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This is the gathering place for all news and announcements about the North Irvine AYSO Fusion Extra program. Here, you will see the important emails that we sent the coaches, along with any corrections and changes that followed. You will also see announcements that are good to know but not necessary. We hope that this will be a site for coaches to visit regularly on their own time and see all the information they need at one place, instead of having to search through their inbox to make sure they didn't miss anything. For coaches that are not keen on emailing, this is an easy way to have a team parent keep track of going-ons without needing to forward any of our emails. They and anyone interested in keeping up with Fusion Extra can just subscribe to the site. Unfortunately, to keep costs down, our URL is not an intuitive name like North Irvine Fusion Extra; you can bookmark the page for convenience. If you have any content that you would like us to post, like a picture of your team with championship medals at a tournament, please email us, and we will be glad to add it to this site. Thanks for your support and help in making this soccer program the best in North Irvine.

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